Kalundewa Retreat

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Kalundewa Retreat

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Kalundewa Retreat

Luxury Historic / Boutique hotel
Kalundewa Road, Dambulu Oya, Sri Lanka

Dambulla, Central Province, Sri Lanka


Wake up to the sounds of nature; a flowing lake, rustling trees or birds chirping amid a paddy field. Let the day unfold as the mist reveals majestic mountaintops that blend with the green landscape. Relax as your butler attends to your every requirement.

Witness the harmony of untouched nature and modern stylish settings that set the mood for a memorable vacation at a unique boutique hotel in Sri Lanka. Each of these distinctive rooms also draws its name from the beautiful trees in our property such as Ehela, Nika, Damunu, Bakmee & Kumbuk.

Dirección: Kalundewa Road, Dambulu Oya, Sri Lanka
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